Making the Mummies of Egypt Involved a Lot More Than We Knew

Ancient vessels tell story of mummification techniques and long-distance exchange of goods

Feb. 1, 2023 11:10 am ET

A re-creation of what the embalming process might have looked like around 664-525 B.C. in Saqqara, Egypt. Photo: Nikola Nevenov

Inscribed ceramic vessels left behind in an Egyptian subterranean embalming structure from the 26th Dynasty of ancient Egypt offer new clues as to how the dead were preserved, and the role trade played in the mummification process.

Researchers for the first time analyzed the organic materials found inside 31 vessels used in the embalming process at the necropolis of Saqqara near Cairo, a burial ground for royals and people of high society. These vessels, which carried inscriptions on them, contained materials including animal fat, oils and resins that played a major role in preservation practices—and were obtained through long-distance exchange and routes from far away lands, according to researchers. 

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