Argentina’s Economic Turmoil Is Getting Worse. These Charts Explain Why.

President-elect Javier Milei faces runaway inflation, empty coffers after decades of economic mismanagement

Updated Nov. 20, 2023 9:13 am ET

Javier Milei, a political outsider who pledged to flatten Argentina’s political establishment, won the presidency on Sunday. Milei, a self-described anarcho-capitalist, defeated ruling party candidate Sergio Massa. Photo: Tomas Cuesta/Getty Images

Argentina has long been trapped in recurring cycles of deep and destructive economic contractions brought on by policies that force governments to routinely spend more than they collect through taxes and other income, economists say.

President-elect Javier Milei will take office in early December with the task of reversing unsustainable spending policies that have depleted government coffers and caused inflation and interest rates to soar.

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