Aylin Woodward

Aylin Woodward

Reporter, The Wall Street Journal

Aylin Woodward is a reporter covering space, anthropology and physics in The Wall Street Journal’s health and science bureau in New York.

Her stories delve into the details of key NASA missions and quotidian celestial spectacles. She highlights researchers who analyze ancient DNA from human ancestors, animal behaviors and laser-based 3D mapping technology. Aylin writes frequently about archaeological and paleontological discoveries, including dinosaurs and mummies of all kinds. Her features explore space debris and planetary defense, as well as the future of energy, including nuclear fusion commercialization efforts.

Aylin joined the Journal from Business Insider, where she was a senior reporter covering climate and Earth sciences. Prior to that, she was a paleoanthropology researcher and received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship in 2016 for work focused on hominin bipedalism.

She graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz science communication master’s program and earned a bachelor's degree from Dartmouth College, magna cum laude. Aylin is a dual citizen of the U.S. and Turkey and speaks Turkish.

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