Binance Founder Changpeng Zhao Steps Down, Pleads Guilty

Largest global crypto exchange will admit wrongdoing and agree to pay $4.3 billion in fines

Updated Nov. 21, 2023 6:52 pm ET

Binance skirted regulation to become the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by trading volume. Now, the company will plead guilty to a criminal charge in the U.S. and agree to pay $4.3 billion in fines. Here’s how the same strategy behind the company’s rise brought it crashing down. Photo: Benoit Tessier/Reuters

The chief executive of Binance, the largest global cryptocurrency exchange, stepped down and pleaded guilty to violating criminal U.S. anti-money-laundering requirements, in a deal that might preserve the company’s ability to continue operating, according to court documents.

Changpeng Zhao appeared in Seattle federal court Tuesday and entered his plea, according to court records. Prosecutors accused Binance, which Zhao owns, of facilitating transactions with sanctioned groups. Binance encouraged U.S. users to obscure their location so the firm could avoid complying with U.S. anti-money-laundering laws, prosecutors said.

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