Flights to Europe Are Becoming Cheap Again

Deals are possible now that enough fliers have gotten revenge travel out of their systems

Some prices are still high—the average cost of round-trip airfare from the U.S. to Barcelona is over $1,000. Jiri Vatka/CTK via ZUMA Press

Flying to Europe in 2024 without spending a fortune is in the cards after a long stretch of sky-high prices.

Airlines have added new routes between the U.S. and Europe and announced plans to increase flights on some routes next spring and summer. The added capacity means travelers can get a break from the run of high airfares in the past couple of years. Some prices are still high—the average cost of round-trip airfare to Barcelona is over $1,000, according to travel-search website Kayak. But deals now exist that didn’t before, and industry watchers say they expect more to come.

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