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China Releases Australian Journalist Detained on Suspicion of Disclosing State Secrets

Cheng Lei’s release marks latest improvement in ties between Beijing and key U.S. ally

Updated Oct. 11, 2023 5:22 am ET

Australian journalist Cheng Lei speaks on the phone on arrival at Melbourne airport. Photo: Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/AAP/Reuters

China released an Australian journalist whom it had detained for more than three years on suspicion of disclosing state secrets, removing a key irritant in a tense relationship between a close U.S. ally and Beijing.

Cheng Lei, who was an anchor for the Chinese government’s English-language television news channel, arrived in Melbourne by plane where she was reunited with her two children, Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said Wednesday. Her release comes as Albanese prepares to visit China in a landmark trip later this year.

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