Understanding ChinaNews & analysis

U.S. Executives Get No Reassurance From Xi on Tougher China Business Environment

Chinese leader makes no mention of trade and investment at dinner with business leaders

Updated Nov. 16, 2023 4:21 pm ET

A day after meeting with Chinese leader Xi Jinping, President Biden said during a speech at the APEC CEO Summit that the U.S. is ‘de-risking and diversifying’ its economic relationship with China, but ‘not decoupling.’ Photo: Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

SAN FRANCISCO—Foreign capital is fleeing China. Yet on his first trip to the U.S. in six years, Chinese leader Xi Jinping didn’t make a pitch to win back American businesses and investors.

Instead, at a Wednesday evening dinner with U.S. corporate chiefs and other guests, Xi sought to enlist American corporations’ help in easing bilateral tensions, emphasizing the room for both nations to work together—a theme of his meeting with President Biden earlier in the day.

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