Companies Hesitate on Specialized Industry Clouds

It’s early, but some CIOs don’t see a business case for clouds designed specifically for particular sectors

Nov. 17, 2023 7:00 am ET

Daniel Seay, CIO of Fifth Third Bank’s commercial bank division, says he hasn’t seen a ’catalyst’ for using a banking-specific cloud. Photo: Stephen Zenner/Zuma Press

Cloud platforms specialized for given industries are off to a slow start, with some companies saying they simply don’t need them, thanks to existing software and their own customizations.

“There hasn’t been a catalyst to say, ‘I’m gonna go with an industry-specific cloud’,” said Daniel Seay, chief information officer of Fifth Third Bank’s commercial bank division. “I can use my private cloud or I can use one of the hyperscalers along with another software firm and meet my needs in a more cost-effective, proven way at this point.” (Hyperscalers refers to the largest cloud companies, among them, AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.)

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