David Cameron Makes Surprise Return to U.K. Government as Foreign Secretary

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak seen as tilting the Tories toward the center ahead of next year’s election

Updated Nov. 13, 2023 6:16 pm ET

Sunak said he was ‘pleased’ to appoint Cameron foreign secretary in a surprise government reshuffle. Photo: Andy Rain/EPA/Shutterstock

LONDON—U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak named one of his predecessors, David Cameron, as foreign secretary, part of a surprise government shake-up aimed at dragging his Conservative Party back to the center ground as it languishes in the polls. 

Cameron—a Tory moderate who quit as prime minister after Britain voted to leave the European Union—will now take one of the government’s plum jobs after seven years in the political wilderness. He is the first former British prime minister to return to a cabinet post in more than 50 years.

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