DOJ Settles With Two U.K. Reinsurance Brokers Over Ecuador Bribes

Tysers Insurance Brokers and H.W. Wood will enter into deferred prosecution agreements over a scheme partly set in Florida to pay off Ecuadorean officials

Nov. 20, 2023 6:44 pm ET

Tysers Insurance Brokers will pay a $36 million criminal penalty, while H.W. Wood will only pay a $508,000 penalty due to its financial condition, the Justice Department said. Photo: Jose Luis Magana/Associated Press

The Justice Department has settled with two U.K.-based reinsurance brokers that admitted to participating in a scheme to bribe Ecuadorean government officials.

Tysers Insurance Brokers and H.W. Wood have agreed to enter into three-year deferred prosecution agreements filed in the Southern District of Florida. 

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