Strip Clubs, Lewd Photos and a Boozy Hotel: The Toxic Atmosphere at Bank Regulator FDIC

Employees say sexual harassment, misogyny pervade federal agency tasked with ensuring stability of nation’s banks, driving women to leave

Kelsi Foutz was a bank examiner at the FDIC until last year. The federal agency’s hotel, left, where employees stay during training, has been a party hub. Photo illustration: Allison Pasek/WSJ; Photos: Haiyun Jiang for WSJ, Lindsay D’Addato for WSJ, stock

A male Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. supervisor in San Francisco invited employees to a strip club. A supervisor in Denver had sex with his employee, told other employees about it and pressed her to drink whiskey during work. Senior bank examiners texted female employees photos of their penises.

All of the men remained employed at the agency. 

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