Ford Downsizes Plan for Michigan Battery Factory, Citing Slower EV Demand

Automaker restarts work on plant, which will use tech from China’s CATL

Updated Nov. 21, 2023 11:49 am ET

Just a few months ago, Ford announced it had paused construction on the politically divisive EV battery plant. Photo: Nick Hagen for The Wall Street Journal

Ford Motor is moving forward on construction of a battery plant in Michigan but at a reduced size from original plans, citing a pullback in the outlook for future electric-vehicle demand.

Ford in September paused work on the factory, in Marshall, Mich. At the time, the company said it was reassessing its ability to competitively operate the plant, which will make batteries using technology from China’s Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Congressional Republicans have criticized the China connection and argued against the project qualifying for federal tax subsidies.

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