Hamas Took More Than 200 Hostages From Israel. Here’s What We Know.

Israel agrees to concessions to secure release of 50 hostages held in Gaza

Photos of Israelis believed captive in Gaza were displayed in Tel Aviv in October. Petros Giannakouris/Associated Press

The Palestinian militants who raided Israel in the Hamas-led attacks on Oct. 7, killing around 1,200 people, abducted over 240 civilians and soldiers and brought them back to the Gaza Strip. Israel responded with a military campaign it said was aimed at destroying Hamas and recovering the hostages. The Israeli cabinet agreed early Wednesday to a deal with Hamas to win the release of 50 hostages.

What is in the Israel-Hamas hostage deal?

Israel agreed to release 150 Palestinian prisoners and pause fighting in exchange for the release of 50 civilian hostages held by Hamas over a four-day period. The exchange is to involve only women and children on both sides.

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