BEST OFArts in Review

‘Hannah Waddingham: Home for Christmas’ Review: Belting Out the Season’s Songs on Apple TV+

The ‘Ted Lasso’ actress—and musical-theater star—hosts this old-fashioned holiday program, shining with enthusiasm and welcoming a bevy of her sitcom co-stars.

Nov. 21, 2023 5:42 pm ET

Hannah Waddingham Photo: AppleTV+

“They don’t make ’em like that anymore” is not something one would say, politely, about Hannah Waddingham, but it does apply to “Hannah Waddingham: Home for Christmas,” a very musical holiday TV special as merrily, madly anachronistic as Bing Crosby in a sleigh full of eggnog. There is singing, there is dancing, there are multiple costume changes. Heralding the incipient tsunami of holiday programming, this may be the one program to watch, perhaps while preparing Thanksgiving dinner.

Hannah Waddingham: Home for Christmas

Wednesday, Apple TV+

It’s a bit early for yuletide TV cheer, despite the commercials that have been airing since before Halloween. But there’s a tradition to be upheld here: Those familiar with Ms. Waddingham from her role in “Ted Lasso” (as team owner Rebecca Welton) may still be reeling from the infamous “Carol of the Bells” episode of 2021; it aired in August. It did, however, help introduce American audiences to the actor’s vocal gifts. Her musical-theater talents are much better known in the U.K., where she has earned multiple Olivier Award nominations for her roles on the London stage, which have included parts in “Spamalot,” “Into the Woods” and “The Wizard of Oz.” She also played Septa Unella in the fifth season of “Game of Thrones,” a lesbian mom in “Sex Education,” and was one of the better things about the recent PBS presentation of “Tom Jones.” She has, one might say, credentials.

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