Israel-Hamas War

Houthi Rebels Seize Israeli-Linked Cargo Ship in Red Sea

Iran-backed group takes Galaxy Leader’s 25 crew members hostage

Updated Nov. 20, 2023 12:28 pm ET

Footage released by Yemen’s Houthi rebel group shows armed men seizing an Israeli-linked cargo ship with 25 crew members in the Red Sea over the weekend. The Iran-backed group said they would continue to target vessels linked to Israel because of its attacks on Gaza. Photo: Houthi Military Media

Iran-backed Yemeni rebels said they hijacked an Israeli-linked cargo ship with 25 crew members in the Red Sea over the weekend, heightening tensions in the Gaza conflict.

The Houthis, a rebel group that controls Yemen’s north, said on X, formerly Twitter, that they are taking the vessel to the Yemeni coast and would continue to target vessels linked to Israel because of its attacks on Gaza. 

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