Hundreds Convicted as Italy’s Largest Mafia Trial in Decades Ends

Convictions are unlikely to wipe out southern Italy’s ‘Ndrangheta crime syndicate

Nov. 20, 2023 11:34 am ET

The three presiding judges, in a court in Italy’s Calabria on Monday, stayed in a safe house while they deliberated their verdicts in the ‘Ndrangheta case over the past month. Photo: Valeria Ferraro/Associated Press

Italy’s largest mafia trial in decades concluded Monday with the conviction of more than 200 people accused of being part of, or collaborating with, the country’s most powerful and richest crime syndicate, the ‘Ndrangheta.

Former law-enforcement officials, politicians and businessmen were found guilty of offenses related to organized crime, including drug smuggling, money laundering and extortion, after an almost three-year trial.

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