Ignoring U.S. Calls for Peace, Egypt Delivered Drones to Sudan’s Military

Bayraktar drone deliveries are latest instance of regional powers meddling in Sudan’s civil war

Oct. 14, 2023 5:30 am ET

The Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drone has been used effectively by Ukraine in its war against Russia. Photo: aziz karimov/Reuters

Egypt has delivered drones to the Sudanese military to bolster its fight against a powerful warlord, security officials said, a potentially dangerous escalation of a conflict that is drawing in more regional players.

The Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drones, which have helped alter the balance of power in a series of recent conflicts—including in Ukraine—were delivered to Sudan’s military last month, according to the officials. Members of the Sudanese military also trained in neighboring Egypt to improve their handling of the unmanned aerial vehicles, the officials said. 

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