Ilya Sutskever: The OpenAI Genius Who Told Sam Altman He Was Fired

Company’s chief scientist led a board coup against one of the most prominent figures in Silicon Valley

Nov. 21, 2023 6:53 am ET

Most employees at OpenAI have demanded that former CEO Sam Altman be reinstated after the company’s board fired him on Friday. Microsoft said late Sunday that it hired Altman to lead a new advanced artificial-intelligence research team. Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Last Friday, Ilya Sutskever sent a text message to his boss and fellow board member, Sam Altman. Could he jump on a video chat at noon Pacific time?

On the call was the rest of OpenAI’s board, but it was Sutskever, the company’s chief scientist and co-founder, who delivered the news. Altman was fired, “and the news was going out very soon.”

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