Indians Are Entering the U.S. Illegally in Record Numbers

Some asylum seekers say Modi’s Hindu nationalist policies are driving them out, while others are drawn by job opportunities

Updated Oct. 29, 2023 12:00 am ET

A group of migrants claiming to be from India receive snacks and water from a Samaritans Without Borders volunteer near Lukeville, Ariz., this summer. Photo: Matt York/Associated Press

After the second time Arshdeep Singh, a supporter of a Sikh political party in Punjab, was threatened by men he believed were affiliated with India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, his father made arrangements for him to leave the country.

Singh’s 40-day journey this past summer from his village in Punjab, in northern India, to Fresno, Calif., was guided by voices of men he had never met on a cellphone. Every few days, they sent him digital boarding passes of his flights and instructions on where to meet the next local smuggler. 

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