IRS Delays Tax Rule for Online Sellers—Again

Tax agency warned of headaches for users of eBay, Venmo and Ticketmaster if it had started enforcing new Form 1099-K rules

Updated Nov. 21, 2023 4:03 pm ET

The IRS again postponed enforcement of a law requiring e-commerce platforms like eBay to send the agency information about users earning more than $600 in revenue a year. Photo Illustration: Budrul Chukrut/SOPA Images/Getty Images

The Internal Revenue Service offered a surprise paperwork reprieve to millions of Americans as tax-filing season nears, delaying a new requirement affecting people who sell stuff on eBay, resell concert tickets, and use payment processors such as Venmo.

For the second straight year, the IRS postponed enforcement of a law that requires those e-commerce and payment platforms to send the agency information about many users who receive more than $600 in revenue a year.

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