Israeli Military, Border Residents Press Netanyahu to Eliminate Hezbollah Threat

Prime minister resists demands to take action at tense Lebanon border, while issuing warnings to Iran-backed force

Gideon Harari serves in the security force in an Israeli community that was evacuated last month because of its proximity to the border with Lebanon.

LEHAVOT HABASHAN, Israel—In the days after the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks in southern Israel, Orna Rayn searched frantically for someone to build a wooden barricade to secure the door of a safe room in her house about 6 miles from the Lebanon border.

Rayn’s sister, Einat Rothem-Nechushtan, moved into the safe room on Oct. 10, even before the Israeli government ordered the evacuation of her own small farming community in northern Israel because of fears of all-out war with Hezbollah, the Iran-backed army in Lebanon.

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