Joe Barrett

Joe Barrett

Senior Midwest Correspondent, The Wall Street Journal

Joe Barrett is a senior correspondent for The Wall Street Journal covering the Midwest from Chicago.

He reports on a range of topics, including public safety, economics, development, demographic changes, infrastructure, the changing environment and all the interesting places that make the region much more than flyover country.

He was previously the Midwest bureau chief for U.S. News, a Page One editor in New York and Brussels, and a writer of the What’s News column.

He is the author, with his late father, Jerome T. Barrett, of the book “A History of Alternative Dispute Resolution: The Story of a Political, Cultural, and Social Movement.”

Joe started his career covering night cops and the Virginia General Assembly at the Daily Press in Newport News, Va. He lives in Chicago with his wife, Lori, an ill-behaved dog named Pizza and a growing collection of guitars.

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