Joe Biden’s Unpopularity Isn’t a Misunderstanding

The White House tries to spin voters into thinking they’re better off than they were under Trump.

Nov. 21, 2023 6:20 pm ET

Journal Editorial Report: Joe Biden turns 81 amid doubtful Democrats. Images: AFP/Getty Images/Storyblocks Composite: Mark Kelly

President Biden has less than a year to convince voters that they are better off than they realize, and he’s off to a horrible start.

Mr. Biden could be seen this month bickering with reporters about the accuracy of a New York Times/Siena College survey that showed him trailing Donald Trump in five states that may decide the 2024 election. A Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll has since been released showing the same results. Sunday brought more bad news for the president in the form of an NBC News poll that put his job approval rating at 40%, which is down from 46% in January—the lowest of his presidency.

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