Lifecore Biomedical Avoids U.S. Prosecution Over Alleged Mexico Bribes

The company reported to the U.S. Justice Department within hours of concluding that a subsidiary had been involved in bribery

Nov. 17, 2023 6:04 pm ET

 A U.S. company won’t be prosecuted over alleged foreign bribery because it quickly tipped off the U.S. Justice Department. Photo: KEVIN LAMARQUE/REUTERS

Lifecore Biomedical, a pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturer, won’t face a U.S. bribery prosecution after coming forward to report a former subsidiary’s alleged illegal payments in Mexico.

The U.S. Justice Department formally declined to charge Lifecore over bribes that a then newly acquired subsidiary allegedly paid to Mexican government officials, according to a so-called declination letter the Justice Department released Friday. 

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