Mushroom Foraging Is So Popular in Minnesota, the State Plans a Crackdown

Officials eye a limit on picking and push the buttons of some fans; ‘I kind of cried a little’

Peter Martignacco, president of the Minnesota Mycological Society, holds a chanterelle. He is a fan of foraging. Joe Barrett/The Wall Street Journal

July 26, 2023 8:30 am ET

ST. CROIX STATE PARK, Minn.—Peter Martignacco remembers a magical day after a big rain brought out an abundance of mushrooms in a state park an hour from his home outside Minneapolis. 

Mushroom for debate

He crammed his backpack and a 3-gallon basket—twice—with a total of about 20 pounds of plump porcini mushrooms. When Martignacco, president of the 124-year-old Minnesota Mycological Society, went back a few days later to look for more, “I kind of cried a little,” he said. “There were a whole bunch there, but they were all mushy and consumed by insects and stuff like that.”

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