NASA’s Osiris-REx Mission Brings Home Largest Asteroid Sample Ever Collected

Robotic spacecraft jettisons capsule containing rocks and dust collected from Bennu’s surface

Updated Sept. 24, 2023 6:11 pm ET

A space capsule from NASA’s Osiris-REx mission to the asteroid Bennu landed in Utah on Sunday. The sample of rocks and dust—the largest ever collected from an asteroid—could help scientists better understand our solar system. Photo: NASA/EPA/Shutterstock

Mission controllers and scientists broke into whoops and applause Sunday as they watched an orange Creamsicle-colored parachute deploy above a capsule carrying the largest sample ever collected from an asteroid.

Osiris-REx, the robotic spacecraft that helped deliver the sample to Earth, is part of a mission of the same name launched seven years ago by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to a space rock named Bennu. After a nearly 4 billion-mile journey through space, the 20-foot-long Osiris-REx buzzed by our planet this weekend. It jettisoned a capsule containing rocks and dust collected from Bennu’s surface, which safely landed in the desert of western Utah.

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