OpenAI Talks Continue as Sam Altman, Company Push to Reunite

Internal memo says, ‘Our number one goal remains to reunify OpenAI and discussions are actively ongoing’

Updated Nov. 21, 2023 8:57 pm ET

Most employees at OpenAI have demanded that former CEO Sam Altman be reinstated after the company’s board fired him on Friday. Microsoft said late Sunday that it hired Altman to lead a new advanced artificial-intelligence research team. Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The turmoil and uncertainty at OpenAI rolled into Tuesday, as the startup’s leadership tried to negotiate the return of Chief Executive Sam Altman with the company’s board that ousted him.

Meanwhile, OpenAI’s largest shareholder, Microsoft, is planning a soft landing for those employees who said they might leave the company if Altman doesn’t return and moves to the software giant.

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