OpenAI Turmoil Leaves Some CIOs Questioning the AI Powerhouse’s Future

Sam Altman’s unexpected firing and move to Microsoft could upend the generative AI vendor landscape, chief information officers say

Nov. 20, 2023 5:29 pm ET

Microsoft said it is hiring Sam Altman to helm a new advanced artificial-intelligence research team, after his bid to return to OpenAI fell apart Sunday. Altman, left, appears onstage with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella at OpenAI’s first developer conference, on Nov. 6 in San Francisco. Photo: Barbara Ortutay/Associated Press

Some chief information officers are questioning the viability of ChatGPT maker OpenAI following the unexpected ouster of chief executive Sam Altman on Friday, his subsequent hire by Microsoft and an unresolved threat by hundreds of OpenAI workers to quit and follow him there.

“Long-term viability of any platform is important when making decisions,” said Todd Florence, chief information officer of Estes Express Lines, a Richmond, Va.-based trucker. “Friday certainly calls that into question in regards to OpenAI.” 

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