Rachel Feintzeig

Rachel Feintzeig

Columnist, The Wall Street Journal

Rachel Feintzeig is The Wall Street Journal's Work & Life columnist. She helps readers navigate quandaries on the job and at home, often focusing on how to grow your career without sacrificing the rest of your life—or your sanity. Her pieces have included personal takes on pregnancy, parenting and crafting an identity outside of work.

In 2023, she won the New York Press Club award for newspaper commentary. The year prior, she shared a Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing award for a package of stories, including her deep-dive on people who secretly work two jobs.

A longtime Journal reporter, Rachel previously wrote about management trends and chief executives for the corporate bureau. She joined the company in 2008 to cover bankruptcy in the Washington, D.C., office.

A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, she currently lives in Connecticut with her husband and two young children.

Latest Articles

Work & Life | Rachel Feintzeig

A revenge fantasy about your boss. Your to-do list. That flop of a meeting. You need to quit ruminating about your job. Here’s how to do it.

October 8, 2023


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