The Secret to Finding Love After 60

Longer lifespans have given older singles the opportunity to have new, long relationships. But they need to first accept that it likely will be different this time around.

Richard Goldsmith and Tina Greenberg, seen here in West Orange, N.J., moved in together last year. Sydney Walsh for The Wall Street Journal

Finding love is difficult at any age. But for men and women over 60, it requires navigating unique challenges and decisions.

Linnet Hultin and Angus Davis, both 75, are in the thick of them. She lives in Truro, Mass., with a daughter and grandchildren nearby. He lives a six-hour drive away, in Johnson, Vt. The distance has been wearing on both of them over the two years they have been dating. Their solution after lengthy deliberations: She will move to Vermont but also try to rent a townhouse in or near Truro so she doesn’t have to uproot entirely.

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