Russia Moves to Ban International LGBT Movement as Extremist

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s government blames the West for attacking what he calls Russia’s ‘traditional values’

Nov. 17, 2023 1:04 pm ET

Senior Russian officials have portrayed gay-rights activism as a symbol of the West’s moral corruption and depravity. Photo: ANTON VAGANOV/REUTERS

Russia’s Ministry of Justice has filed a lawsuit with the nation’s Supreme Court to recognize the international LGBT movement as extremist and ban its activities inside the country, in the latest assault on a community that has increasingly become a target of hostility in Russia.

The ministry said on Telegram on Friday that “various signs and manifestations of an extremist orientation have been identified” in the activities of the LGBT movement in Russia, “including the incitement of social and religious discord.” It didn’t provide any proof or explanation of the allegations. Ministry officials didn’t immediately respond to a request for further clarification.

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