Russian Artist Sentenced to Seven Years for Replacing Price Tags With Antiwar Messages

Aleksandra Skochilenko found guilty of knowingly spreading false information about the Russian military

Nov. 16, 2023 1:29 pm ET

Aleksandra Skochilenko was also banned for three years from maintaining a presence on social-media sites or posting on the internet. Photo: Peter Kovalev/Zuma Press

A Russian artist accused of replacing price tags in a supermarket with antiwar messaging was sentenced to seven years in prison, in the latest example of the Kremlin’s efforts to crush everyday opposition to its war on Ukraine.

A court in Russia’s second-largest city of St. Petersburg Thursday found Aleksandra Skochilenko, a 33-year-old artist and musician, guilty of knowingly spreading false information about the Russian military and ordered that she serve her term in a penal colony, according to information published by the Vasileostrovsky District Court. She was also banned for three years from maintaining a presence on social-media sites or posting on the internet, the court said.

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