Saudi Arabia Is Dangling Billions for Research on Aging. Scientists Are Lining Up to Take It.

The kingdom’s plans to put more than $1 billion a year into global efforts on longevity stir anticipation—and hesitation around the country’s politics

At the Aging Institute, University of Pittsburgh, Dr. Aditi Gurkar, center, received a $375,000 AFAR grant funded by Hevolution to study how nanoparticles could help detect cell senescence. Michelle Sun

Aug. 31, 2023 10:01 am ET

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia—Vast oil wealth has enabled Saudi Arabia to establish dominant roles in global sports, electric cars and tech startups. The kingdom’s next target may be its most ambitious yet: extending the human lifespan.

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Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the de facto Saudi ruler, has allocated more than a billion dollars a year to an effort called Hevolution Foundation to develop new treatments for aging. That could dramatically expand the available global funding for research on longevity biology, which now comes mainly from the U.S. National Institute on Aging.

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