SpaceX Rocket Test Reaches Milestone—and Ends With Explosion

Elon Musk’s deep-space rocket achieved separation before contact with the spacecraft was lost

Updated Nov. 18, 2023 1:46 pm ET

Elon Musk’s SpaceX launched a test flight of its Starship rocket early Saturday from its spaceport in Texas, reaching a crucial booster separation stage before exploding. A previous launch attempt in April ended in an explosion. Photo: Eric Gay/Associated Press

SpaceX’s second test flight of its massive Starship rocket ended early Saturday when the uncrewed vehicle’s spacecraft blew up, though the launch made it farther than the company’s previous attempt.

SpaceX said it lost contact with the Starship spacecraft about 15 minutes after launching from the company’s spaceport east of Brownsville, Texas, around 8 a.m. ET. A self-destruct mechanism appeared to trigger after contact was lost, exploding the craft, according to a SpaceX livestream.

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