Spain’s Sánchez Wins New Term as Prime Minister After Catalan Amnesty Deal

Contentious agreement with separatists sparked nationwide protests and ended months of political limbo

Nov. 16, 2023 7:38 am ET

Pedro Sánchez was sworn in as Spain’s Prime Minister on Friday following months of political uncertainty and protests. Spain’s parliament re-elected Sánchez Thursday after he struck a deal with Catalan separatists in return for their support. Photo: Andres Ballesteros/AFP/Getty Images

MADRID—Spain’s parliament re-elected Pedro Sánchez as prime minister, following months of political uncertainty and widespread protests after the center-left politician promised an amnesty for Catalan separatists in return for their support.

Sánchez got 179 votes on Thursday, barely passing the 176 needed to gain a majority in the lower house of parliament. The seven conservative Catalan separatists from the Together for Catalonia party who supported Sánchez and his left-wing coalition partner Sumar proved to be enough to seal the victory.

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