Taiwan Opposition Parties Unite Against Presidential Candidate China Sees as Threat

Deal between main opposition Nationalist Party and third party could reshape Taiwan’s election and complicate Washington’s relations with Beijing

Nov. 15, 2023 6:09 am ET

A deal between two Taiwan opposition parties is expected to bolster their chances against Vice President Lai Ching-te, a leading candidate of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party. Photo: sam yeh/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

TAIPEI—Taiwan’s two largest opposition parties reached a deal to collaborate in a pivotal election scheduled for early January that has major ramifications for Taiwan’s future and U.S.-China relations. 

Taiwan’s main opposition Nationalist Party, which favors closer relations with Beijing, said it would work with a third party founded by a former Taipei mayor to run jointly for the 2024 elections. The long-anticipated deal is expected to bolster the opposition’s chances against Vice President Lai Ching-te, a leading candidate of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party, which has forged tighter ties with the U.S., and is currently leading in the polls.

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