The Desolate Wilderness

An account of the Pilgrims’ journey to Plymouth in 1620, as recorded by Nathaniel Morton.

Nov. 21, 2023 6:49 pm ET

Landing Pilgrims Plymouth Massachusetts December 22nd 1620

Here beginneth the chronicle of those memorable circumstances of the year 1620, as recorded by Nathaniel Morton, keeper of the records of Plymouth Colony, based on the account of William Bradford, sometime governor thereof:

So they left that goodly and pleasant city of Leyden, which had been their resting-place for above eleven years, but they knew that they were pilgrims and strangers here below, and looked not much on these things, but lifted up their eyes to Heaven, their dearest country, where God hath prepared for them a city (Heb. XI, 16), and therein quieted their spirits.

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