To Slow Climate Change, Curb Methane First

It can trap 80 times as much heat as CO2 in the first 20 years after being emitted.

Nov. 16, 2023 6:56 pm ET

Journal Editorial Report: Paul Gigot Interviews Bjorn Lomborg. Images: AP/EPA Composite: Mark Kelly

Many environmentalists are understandably skeptical about a climate gathering that will be led by the chief executive of the United Arab Emirates’ national oil company. But the meeting, which begins Nov. 30 in Dubai, could have a positive outcome if the oil and gas industry makes a verifiable commitment to cut methane pollution.

Reducing methane pollution is the most effective way to slow the rate of global warming in the short term, according to the United Nations Environment Program. Cutting carbon-dioxide emissions is important for long-term climate health, but reducing methane pollution now will result in lower global temperatures than we’d otherwise see in the next decade.

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