U.S. to Restrict Visas of Charter Operators Flying Migrants to Nicaragua

Tens of thousands of Haitians, Cubans and Africans head to the U.S. from the Central American country

Nov. 21, 2023 9:08 pm ET

Haitians were waiting to board a flight from Port-au-Prince to Nicaragua in late October as the Haitian government banned all charter flights to the Central American nation. Photo: Odelyn Joseph/Associated Press

The U.S. government said Tuesday it would impose visa restrictions on individuals running charter flights into Nicaragua, flooding the Central American country with tens of thousands of U.S.-bound migrants, mostly from Haiti, Cuba and Africa.

The authoritarian government of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega, which has strained ties with the U.S., has in recent months allowed several little-known charter airlines and travel agencies to operate flights from Haiti, Cuba and other Caribbean airports to Nicaragua, according to Haitian and Nicaraguan civil aviation data.

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