The Democratic Panic Over Univision

A Trump interview on a Spanish network breaks a news monoculture.

Nov. 21, 2023 6:41 pm ET

Journal Editorial Report: Joe Biden turns 81 amid doubtful Democrats. Images: AFP/Getty Images/Storyblocks Composite: Mark Kelly

How awful is President Biden’s polling? The Spanish-language TV network Univision is now being pounded for running an interview with Donald Trump that failed to include the type of resistance hostility that Democrats think will shore up Hispanic voters. A network executive might even get called to Capitol Hill.

Univision’s hour-long interview at Mar-a-Lago, conducted by the Mexico City-based journalist Enrique Acevedo, was not particularly enlightening. Mr. Trump pledged that his second term would be fantastic, the way things were three years back: “We had no problems—literally—whatsoever.” He alleged that “many people” crossing America’s southern border are coming from insane asylums: “You ever hear of Hannibal Lecter? Not a nice person.”

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