BEST OFArts in Review

‘Wish’ Review: Disney Trips Upon a Star

Featuring the voices of Ariana DeBose and Chris Pine, the studio’s latest animated musical shamelessly recycles fairy tales in its story of a teen girl and a sorcerer-king.

Nov. 21, 2023 5:46 pm ET

An image from Disney’s ‘Wish’ Photo: DISNEY

The formulaic nature of Disney stories helps make them reassuring to young viewers, but “Wish,” the latest in what is now a seven-year string of subpar features from Walt Disney Animation Studios, is all formula. On the basis of its half-thought-out script, Hollywood writers’ fears of being supplanted by artificial intelligence appear well-founded. This movie seems proud, even smug, about recycling scraps from other fairy tales.

Beginning with “Once upon a time” and closing (spoiler alert) with “and they all lived happily ever after,” “Wish” self-consciously throws the raw stuff of fairy tales—a kingdom, a secret, friendly animal companions, wishes, cute magic and dark sorcery—into a blender in hopes of making a delightful new concoction. What comes out has as much flavor as a glass of water.

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