Your Money Briefing

Your Money Briefing

Your Money Briefing is your personal-finance and career checklist, with the news that affects your money and what you do with it. From spending and saving to investing and taxes, the Wall Street Journal’s finance reporters and experts break down complicated money questions every weekday to help you make better decisions about managing your money. Hosted by J.R. Whalen.


11/22/2023 3:01:00 AM

How Kid Entrepreneurs Are Using Digital Tools to Boost Business

The New Money Rules for Kids: For lots of children, the ways that they earn cash have gone digital. In the second episode of this series, we hear from three young entrepreneurs about how they’ve built their businesses and the digital tools they’re using to boost it. 

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11/21/2023 3:01:00 AM

Not Sure How Much to Tip? A New Study Shows You’re Not Alone

As requests for more and bigger tips increase, so has confusion. WSJ personal-finance reporter Julia Carpenter joins host Ariana Aspuru to discuss why some people view tipping as an obligation and others see it as a personal decision. 

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11/20/2023 3:01:00 AM

What the End of Mint Means for Users and the Future of Budgeting Apps

The popular budgeting app, Mint, is shutting down in 2024. So what happens next? WSJ personal finance reporter Imani Moise joins host Ariana Aspuru to discuss where this leaves people in the market for a new budgeting app.

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11/17/2023 3:01:00 AM

Why It's a Terrible Time to Spend Money

With rising prices and high interest rates, right now is a bad time to spend money. WSJ personal finance reporter Oyin Adedoyin joins host Ariana Aspuru to explain what this means for holiday shoppers. 

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11/16/2023 3:01:00 AM

Is it Time to Give Up On Trying to Buy a Home?

Amid elevated mortgage rates and low inventory, many prospective homebuyers have decided to spend their new-home savings elsewhere. WSJ reporter Rachel Wolfe joins host J.R. Whalen to discuss. 

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11/15/2023 3:01:00 AM

How Online Currency Is Changing the Way Kids Spend Money

The New Money Rules for Kids: From Youtube and video games to advertisements on social media, kids are seeing content about money – whether they know it or not. So how is this influencing their decisions about money? And how can we best prepare them for financial success in adulthood? In the first episode of Your Money Briefing’s four-part series, we look into how a new generation of kids are learning about money.  

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11/14/2023 3:01:00 AM

How Inflation Raises Our Standards for Having Fun

The rising cost of having fun is changing the way some people enjoy experiences and how they calculate whether having a good time is living up to the price. Wall Street Journal personal-finance reporter Joe Pinsker joins host J.R. Whalen to discuss.

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11/13/2023 3:01:00 AM

Why People Can’t Figure Out When It’s Time to Retire

 Even as people work later in life, many find it difficult to pinpoint the right time to retire. WSJ columnist Rachel Feintzeig joins host J.R. Whalen to discuss how people envision leaving the workforce often clouds their decision-making.

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11/10/2023 3:01:00 AM

How to Save Enough to Say ‘No’ to Jobs

For some people, having more control over their career includes having the financial freedom to leave their job. WSJ’s Jessica Chou joins host J.R. Whalen to discuss how she saved enough for a “walk-away fund.”

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11/9/2023 3:01:00 AM

Why the Return-to-Office Battle Is Turning into a Disability Dispute

More employees are filing disability discrimination claims against their companies when work-from-home requests are denied. WSJ reporter Lauren Weber joins host J.R. Whalen to discuss.

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J.R. Whalen

Host and Producer, WSJ Podcasts, The Wall Street Journal

J.R. Whalen is host and producer of The Wall Street Journal’s Your Money Briefing and Minute Briefing podcasts.

He joined WSJ Podcasts in 2017 after nearly a decade of producing news and business programming for the Journal’s video department. Before joining the Journal, J.R. held positions at CBS News, CBS Sports, HBO, the Associated Press and Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, where he was responsible for assigning dollar values to the questions. He began his career at WVIP-AM/FM in Mount Kisco, N.Y., as news and sports director. He is a graduate of Syracuse University, and owns about 100 pairs of cufflinks.


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